Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Packed and ready to move.


It took 6 people and 3 days to fill and pack the container ourselves.

They were packed with newspaper, blankets, boxes, plastic rolls, bubble plastic, blankets, pillows, towels and bedspread.

It was filled with all our treasures of 30 years.

From Denmark to Australia and then to Malaysia.

The container was so packed that, there was no way we could open the door without being slow and careful so that the content would not pour out instantly!

Finally THE big day came. The trailer arrived at the appointed time.

We were so worried that how this huge monster of 20footer container, was going to be loaded into the trailer/lorry without scrapping or damaged the drive way??

As you can see from the above picture and the following pictures, the driver was revising the tail of the trailer/lorry, trying to reach and touch the tip of the container.






It was all about professionalism and precision, with just the press of the remote, the whole commotion took place only last then 10 minutes.

The container sat precisely the exact space allowed on top of the trailer and we signed off the consignment and within seconds, it drove off and was out of our sight.