Saturday, September 15, 2012

My unforgettable trip to the world richest country in 2010- The Almighty Qatar

The first time my son asked me to pay him a visit at Doha, Qatar, I was so overwhelmed. I have never been to Doha, which is near the Arabian countries. Except Dubai which I have heard so much about, but yet no, I have never been to Dubai - only on transit at Dubai Airport. 
But a year ago this time was my second trip to Doha, Qatar to visit my son, who has been living and working in Doha for 4 years now. I thought, it was high time to visit him again.
Flight from Sydney-Sin-Doha with transit in Singapore's Changi Airport at the early hours to about 2a.m. to catch another flight to Doha.
My flight from Sydney to Singapore that day, with the magnificent Almighty A380, as you can see for yourself was almost empty, .. I had all 3 seats to myself..

The stairs to the upper deck.  It was as if you were going upstairs in your own real could that be... This Almighty big bird can carry more than 600 passengers, how about all the luggage, fuel, water, food, sanitation, waste etc..  Can't say I do not appreciate and admire the modern technology..and cannot do without it..

The Almighty Qatar Museum of Islamic Art

I had the privilege and opportunity of visiting The Almighty Qatar Museum of Islamic Art.
Qatar has the third largest gas reserves of the world. The Almighty Qatar Museum of Islamic Art is situated in the capital of Doha.  Visiting Doha this time during the summer season, I thought was an undoubtedly wrong timing due to the scotching hot desert weather/season..(as you can see from the pictures, there wasn't a single cloud that day..)  and I was strongly informed to gear with long sleeves, hat and umbrella, to avoid sunburn. Must admit it was good I did all that even though the consolation was only temporary and short.  

We couldn't have chosen a better day to visit the Museum,  when we arrived, oh goodness me, I was reluctant to alighting from the comfortable air-cond 4 wheelers; my worst agony was, even though the car park was only about 300 meters to the Almighty Museum.

My son said: All you had to do was to walk and pass through those huge very well kept green lawn, well planted trees, beautiful pavement and oven heated path.  But,  I insisted to be driven closer.. My poor son, did as ordered, said and done,  drove several turns/rounds to check whether (just in case) there was a 'way' of parking nearer ..  but, there wasn't ANY other parking area nearer than 300 meters........!!!!!!!

A few pictures of the outside views of the Almighty Museum


Inside the Almighty great architecture of the Qatar Museum of Islamic Art Part 1

The inside of the Treasure House of the Qatar Islamic Museum
Do you know that the Arabians were one of the early founders of the lunar calender??

The beautiful Qatarian Mosaic in the early century


Inside some of the great treasure of the Almighty of the Qatar Museum of Islamic Art  Part 2

And the City of Doha

in the mid of sandstorm 

The Dates Tree

The high and modern buildings near the Pearl

The route of the Pearl

On a parking area near the Pearl