Tuesday, February 26, 2013

 Avillion Hotel @ Port Dickson
I have taken some pictures of  Hotel Avillion while visiting Port Dickson recently.  Never heard about this hotel before until our beloved friends took us there.  You can actually find such beautiful beach hotel/resort here in the states of Negeri Sembilan..truly amazing...
Avillion Hotel Resort is situated about 40 minutes from where we live, can be recommended..
From the reception, through this bridge where lie the pools, restaurants and stile houses..
Houses on stilt


Fill with light...a waiting room for spa and massage
An absolute place for  recuperation.. 


The Almighty Chinese New Year Feast!

We  celebrated the Chinese New Year  in a nearby Chinese restaurant..Yee Sang was major highlight of the dinner amongst other dishes.  Just look at the menu, it was yum all the way.  Yee Sang..so colourful, fresh and crunchy.  Made from fresh shredded vegetables, condiments and sauces. For more detail information, please refer to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yusheng.  

The beautiful and fresh Yee Sang, before torsting



 After the Yee Sang, there were the following other dishes to enjoy
 the steamed pomfret - very delicious, fresh and delicate 
 deep fried chicken with tomato sauce and deep fried chicken pieces with mayo
the steamed fragrant glutenous rice wrapped in lotus leaves

the  'opened' lotus wrapped glutenous rice
 the first dessert: deep fried red bean pancake

the final dish of the evening  was the warmed sweet gingery glutenous rice inside wrapped with peanuts ..delicious..

The next day we had dim sum at Ming Kok Restaurant..Absolutely delicious..
We have met so many kind people ever since we have moved here.. look, we have received so many small gifts and biscuit goodies during this festive season..and these are only part of it..

and this huge hamper..

That was a good start of the Chinese New Year for 2013.