Saturday, August 31, 2013

Who Needs A Bread Machine Part 1

You know it is always a great satisfactory that every three to four weeks, it is like a routine that I  would go and shop for bread ingredients for baking our very own bread when the last loaf was nearly finished. Our favorites are the Wholemeal Bread and the sometimes, if I could not find the Wholemeal Flour, then the High Protein Flour aka Bread Flour is my next alternative.

But it isn't just about any ordinary Wholemeal Bread you could purchase from the shop (I do not think you can get this!)  .  This is a 100% Wholemeal Bread I have created, without  any addition of other bread flour. It is full of flavor of the wholesome wholemeal flour, with addition of sultana, nuts and seeds and its very chewy. The result of a loaf of this bread is very dense, may weigh a ton; as it is a heavy loaf of bread and it can easily fills your tummy with just one slice of it..Believe me!!

Prior living in Asia,  I have never heard of a bread machine. I was taken by surprised honestly  Okay, you may say I am outdated;  but honestly, when I learned to bake bread during my early of the residency in Denmark, I taught myself how to proof, knead and bake from the stretch, from the Danish Women Magazines.

The Danes are very proud of their bread culture. As Denmark, one of the Nordic countries, is an agriculture land, it produces one of the finest quality of wheat and grain of so-called Rye and Whole Wheat Flour to named a few.

And  have you heard of the Danish Open-Faced Sandwiches on Rye Bread from Denmark, the Scandinavian country??  And why should you, if you have no idea what I am talking about??

Before going any further, I would like to share some information with you, regarding Danish Open Faced Sandwiches.  Please go to this beautiful link, full of colorful pictures:
And what is rye bread? I have found this site.  Original and nice pictures.  Explanation is good and in detailed.  I know for sure, one day I am going to try to bake this..My main problem is to get hold of the Rye Flour and the Whole Wheat Flour in Seremban??

For further information, please take look at this link:

Likewise, with respect of different types of breads using different types of methods; the results turned out to be right, not too good, something is missing or just perfect [hope I could remember to bake like this the next time?!].  
However, the influence and understand the differences of the type and the freshness of flour used; the temperatures and the rising times.  These are the vital elements to the result of flavor and texture of the bread.
I am going to demonstrate how I bake my own fusion of Wholemeal Bread. Hence, before proceeding, I need you to read and understand why it is done this way.

Prior commencing, ensure you have all the ingredients [mise-en-place] and have understood the recipe.  If not, please read again.   And not just that, you must require to have loads of patience, time and passion..  Baking bread usually takes not less than 2 1/2 hours!!

By reading through this recipe [ for those who knew already] I know it is going to sound so wrong by using 200 ml of boiling water into the total mixture of Ingredient [A]??

You see, by the time you were done by adding all the ingredients together, [the water temperature + the total food ingredients,] I will rest assured that the the temperature will be lower}..A correct warm bread dough recipe makes the bread proof faster.

Ever since moving here to Malaysia, I have found out the best way of proofing your bread is simply proof it under the tropical sun - the natural way!! Or proof it in warm conditions where it should take less than an hour.

You need to proof your bread in an enclosed area > in a bowl or in an enclosed plastic bag.  Leaves the shaped dough in a warm place, covered, so that the drought does not get into it.  Moreover, it needs to have optimum humidity and  [a constant] temperature.

The definition of proofing in bread baking terms means to allow the dough to rise. A simple bread recipe needs to proof two times. First in the covered container/bowl and second and final proofing in the baking forms. Both times need to be proofed.

This is a very simple method, please follow the instruction.

 From my frequent baking bread experiences, since using instant yeast [comes in sachet or in small carton, get them in supermarkets and baking stores], these instant yeast are made in a very fine granules and is stirred directly into the flour.

I am using a heavy duty electric mixer for all my bread making.

200 ml boiling water
400 ml temperate water
1/2 teaspoon salt [you may add more ]
125 ml vegetable oil [not peanut, coconut or olive oil]

150 gm whole skinned almond
150 gm raisin
100 gm flex seeds

1 kg wholemeal bread flour
1 1/3 tablespoon instant dried yeast

1 egg


1.  In a large bowl, add ingredient [A]. Pour ingredient [B] into it. Let the ingredients soak for a little while. Then add in ingredient [C].  Wholemeal flour first,  then the last ingredient, the instant dry yeast on the top.  If you do it otherwise, the hot boiling water will kill the yeast!!  On the contrary, cold dough takes longer to proof.

Closed up picture of the two different thermometers at two different temperatures with the same boiling water

2.  Fit with the dough hook attachment, turn on your alarm clock to 10 minutes.  Kneading the dough at low speed for 1 minute, until well combined.  Then kneading at  medium speed [depending on your machine]; and let it do its kneading thoroughly for 10 minutes.  Scrape the sides of the bowl if necessary.  until it forms a dough that clears the sides of the bowl.

Finished kneading, transfer into another big bowl.  Covered the whole dough with some flour.  so that it will not stick to all sides.

It is 3/4 its size after just 1/2 hour

A close up
3.  Coat the dough with flour, and cover with the lid or plastic wrap..until it is doubled in size for about an hour, under the tropical sun..

The dark bowl is the Wholemeal Bread
A full double size after an hour proofing
A close up

 Just came in from the tropical sun (almost sun tan!!)  The temperature in the bread dough was 40 Celsius
4.  Preheat the oven by turning it on low to 50 Celsius..

5.  Turn the dough out onto the floured workplace and divide into 2 equal portions.  Form the dough into loaves and place them onto the prepared greased pan.  Slash 3 small cuts by using a very sharp knife, egg washed them, put them back in the oven,  proof until the dough has doubled in size.  This process may take another 1/2 hour.

6.  Turn the oven to 170 Celsius, bake the dough turned into golden brown for about 50 - 60 minutes.

7.  Remove the loafs from the baking container and cool on the wire rack.

These two Carrot Breads were sandwiched between the Big Brothers: The Wholemeal bread.
Please do not take the chance of slicing a loaf of new fresh baked bread just came out from the oven.  It has to be allowed to get cold completely [probably this will take 1/2 to 1 hour depending of its atmosphere]..  Use a good serrated knife aka bread knife, if you  want a good slice of bread.  Otherwise,the whole loaf of bread will miss its shape.

Bon Appetite!!

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