Thursday, March 28, 2013

Revisiting the World Icon City Sydney, Australia (1)


Of the two trips I made to Sydney after I moved to Seremban, Malaysia (which was two years ago), the second trip is the most recent one. I had mixed feelings-melancholy for leaving Sydney and apprehension to visit it again. I really didn't have any clue as to what to expect. You know that sort of  "butterflies in your stomach" feeling.

Visiting Sydney in the height of summer with just light summer gears just couldn't match the weather when I landed there. It was pouring non-stop for the first two miserable days followed by the heat of the Sun at 28 degree Celsius and again storm where the night temperature went below 10 degree Celsius.  And not to mention that virtually most of the coastal State of Queensland was flooded. It was an unpredictable mixture of storm, cold and  heat all together! I truly believed that we were experiencing the effects of global warming.

But, it didn't put me off. When the weather subsided, I ventured out with ML on bus No. 155 from the Northern Beaches to Manly.  And at Manly, we caught a ferry across to the Circular Quay, the CBD. The journey took us about 30 minutes. I had never realized how much I missed the sight of  water, rocks, the coast line, the great Aussie Architectural Buildings! The whole atmosphere was unbelievably thrilling, just like the good old days. I would recommend to anybody who wish to experience such trip, I promise you will never be disappointed
For more info please visit this:

Passing by the Great, Almighty, the One and Only -
The Sydney Opera House by the late Danish Architect Jorn Utzon

Walked on the Opera House and caught a glimpse of the Sydney Bridge from a short distance
Back in the Northern Beaches, while sitting in the house, there was a sudden invasion of these beautiful lorikeets. They flew in fours. WL's opinion was  that they were obviously two pairs.  I quickly took these pictures, just behind the  big glass window; less than a meter away. These colourful and seemingly very tame rainbow lorikeets are a common sight there in the Northern Beaches.

 The four together
While making their way to the balcony, they were making a lot noise as if to make sure my friend, WL, would take notice of their arrival and to imply that she should get them some food ready. Without any delay, she came with a bowl of chopped apples.

Then there were two... "so what do you think, is it mine, yours???"

The three of us
Finally, we are four again!

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