Friday, April 12, 2013

Purpleberry Multigrain Lemon Cranberry Loaf Bread

I thought I recognized the name "Purpleberry Multigrain" flour when I was at a local baking ingredient's shop some time ago.  I thought that was very intriguing..As long as I have been baking the European bread, one seldom add in some other (foreign) flour to their baking.  [Well forgive me if I was wrong!] I bought it without any hesitation even though for this little sachet of flour which  weighs only 250 gm for Rm4.90, which I thought it was quite alright!

And I was right!  I thought I remembered seeing this recipe in this magazine  My Nourishment, dated back April - June 2011, which I have bought way back then from the local book shop, when I just arrived from Sydney.  

Never heard of Purpleberry Wholegrain Flour..  

For information please go to the sites:-

Oh yes, while in Sydney, I had Purple Berry Smoothies aka Achai Smoothies. It  tasted very good,, feeling energetic (naturally), heavy and full!  Regarding Purple Corn,  I saw these people from the Amazon consuming them.  Thanks to the Discovery Channel!!.  Wow, my horizon has widen and am recollecting my thoughts..How wonderful..

Well, it stated Purpleberry Wholegrain Flour is The blend of Purple Wheat and Purple Corn with high fiber grain.

According to the United States of Agriculture Association, the Purple Berry is among the highest fruits for antioxidants, even higher than blueberries and cranberries.  And not just that the magazine My Nourishment  stated Purpleberry Multigrain are Cancer Prophylactic properties, contain   high fiber, they are natural, pleasant aroma and shelf stable.  

Actually, I  did not plan to bake nor was prepared to, because reading through the recipe, I discovered there were three ingredients which were not available in my pantry.  I presume I could substitute them with some other similar ingredients...Indeed I am going to do that because the changes was so small..

Pardon me I have done some changes to the original recipe. I will italic to my version and I have doubled its portion. 

Purpleberry Multigrain Lemon Cranberry Loaf Bread


400 g bread flour
100 g purpleberry wholegrain flour 
50 g caster sugar
1 tsp salt
15 g milk powder
12 g Fermipan brown instant yeast [saf-instant]
330 g UHT full cream milk (chilled)
40 g Cobram Estate Australian extra virgin olive oil with lemon oil    (lemon twist) [Colavita extra virgin olive oil] 
100 g Ocean Spray dried cranberries (to sprinkle) [added coarsely chopped apricot and some mixed fruits]


1.  Place the bread flour, purpleberry, wholegrain flour, caster sugar, salt, milk powder, coarsely chopped apricot  and brown instant yeast into a mixing bowl equipped with a dough hook.  Start the mixer on low speed and gradually pour in the full cream milk.

2.  Add the olive oil and continue to knead the dough in the mixer until it is fully developed and well-incorporated.

3.  Take a small sample of the beaten dough and stretch it with your fingers.  The dough should stretch into  a thin sheet without tearing.

Have tried to do as stated. I know it did not look good. There was a little hole..But you know, quickly reseal the hole so that nobody sees you???    On top of that I did not know I had my shadow with embarrassing..

4.  Remove the dough from the bowl and mould it by hand into a smooth ball.

5.  Set aside the dough in a bowl and cover it with cling film.  Leave the dough to rise for 1 hour until it doubles in size.

6.  After that, punch down the dough and portion it into 280 g each.  

7.  Let the portions rest for 10 minutes.

8.  Next, flatten the dough by rolling t into a rectangular shape with a rolling pin.  Fill the surface of the dough with the dried cranberries.  Roll up the dough tightly with your hand.

9.  Place the dough into a loaf tin and leave it to rise for about 50-55 minutes until doubles in size.

10.  Pre-heat the oven between 190 Celsius  and 200 Celsius and bake it for about 20 - 25 minutes, until golden brown.

The texture was soft, chewy and flavorsome 

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