Saturday, August 31, 2013

Who Needs A Bread Machine Part 2

Another moist and soft carrot bread I have invented; full of texture and flavor.  You should give a try!  It is tested with guarantee!

The processor is quite similar to the Wholemeal Bread.

200 ml boiling water
400 ml temperate water
1 teaspoon fine salt
120 ml cooking oil [not peanut and olive oil]

300 gm shredded carrot

1 kg High Protein Flour
1 tablespoon instant dry yeast

90 gm chopped spring onions [the whole]


1.  In the work bowl of the mixer, fitted with bread hook attachment.  Pour ingredients [A] then add ingredients [B]. Mixed well together.

2.  In low speed, add ingredients [C].  High Protein Flour first, then the instant yeast.  Knead in low middle speed for about 2  minutes.

3. When the soft dough is ready to formed, pour in ingredients[D] all at once. Knead the dough for about 7 to 8 minutes set your timing or less]. Again knead it in low middle speed, otherwise the chopped spring onions will produce a lot of moisture.  when it does, add in one tablespoon of flour at a time. Two the most. If the dough is becoming wetter, the kneading process needed to be stopped This dough will turn quite a sticky one, use a plastic dough scraper, remove the dough from the paddle and bowl onto a lightly floured surface for kneading into a dough.

The finished kneading dough's temperature at the moment is around 38 Celsius.  Perfect!!

4.  The dough is ready to be proof for the first time, put the dough in a bowl with a cover, under the tropical sun, proof it for about 45 minutes, double the original size.

Just came from the sun, the temperature has risen to nearly 45 Celsius.. Awesome!!!!

The total weigh of the dough is 2110 kg, plus a few tablespoons of flour > 2191 kg

5.  Divide the dough according to your liking.


6.  Using a pair of scissors, snap two cuttings in the middle of the dough and apply egg washed .

Let them rest/proof for another 20 minutes

Put them in the preheated oven of 170 Celsius and bake for about 20 - 25 minutes

I hope the above explanation is clear and understood.  Otherwise please voice out.

This is an uneven oven, a bit troublesome. You need to be able to know when it needed to change the baking position, whether the bottom part of the loaf needed more baking or the top . The best thing about this oven is bake one at a time!!

I must confessed that baking with the High Protein Flour [HPF] aka Bread Flour produces magic bread. They are softer, more elastic and extra chewy   This is a high protein flour is used in yeast breads.

Unlike using the ordinary wheat flour were you could easily obtained from the local shops here, the result of the bread was very dense, not too elastic nor chewy.  There wasn't any flavor expect some old flour taste..But naturally the flour itself has its own purposes, can't avoid!!

Perhaps, it is all about, the quality, freshness, storage, temperature and packaging.

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