Thursday, September 5, 2013

Open House

We were thrilled, for the second time, we were invited by neighbour in our  little community here in Seremban 2.  It was an Open House for all residents to help celebrating the final day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. We want to thank  Mr. MRH and his Family for the generosity and hospitality for the lovely evening. Through this informal gathering, we certainly came to know a few more of my neighbours..Malaysia Boleh!!

It was indeed, hunger go nowhere??  Hey buddy, this way..

Look at the trays and trays of Home Cooking Delicious Malay Food..

It just been a long time since we had a really good satay. Good Satay means: there is no chicken fat and no fat and skin in between the meat even though it tasted deliciously from the the bbq.   Satay > Malaysian BBQ style of (right) well marinated meat of chicken and beef served with the most delicious sweet spicy coarseed peanut sauce (center) and the condiments consisted of pieces of cucumber, red onions and ketupat (pressed rice)..

Trays of Malay Desert from centre and to the right.  On the left hand side are part of the trays for Curry Mee, consisted of curry broth, with addition condiments of cooked chicken pieces, hard boiled eggs, tou foo, slices of fish cakes, bean sprout, deep fried crispy shallots and some finely chopped spring onions uhm..can't you not see, forgotten to take a snap!! ..Had only one small serving..Delicious... cannot eat any more lah.. ! 

Trays of Rendang, Ayam Merah and Sayur Kali

Trays of sweet watermelon pieces and tapioca chips

We saw this on our way home..What??? How could we missed this..A whole NZ roasted lamb??  

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