Monday, October 21, 2013

Moon Cake 2.

Recently, I have found another Moon Cake recipe. Surprisingly, the title is almost similar to my Moon Cake 1. - Single Egg Yolk Lotus Paste Moon Cake. Where else this recipe is from fellow blogger Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover called Single Yolk and Lotus Paste Mooncakes.

After I have tried this recipe, I must admit, Sonia's recipe is well written: it was easier to follow. Okay, there isn't any illustrations, but if you had done Moon Cake 1.(with the help of the illustrations, if you have the book), then  the assurance of understanding of baking  Moon Cake 2. would be easier.. 

I have bought these salted duck eggs from the local wet market. 

I must confessed from the first Moon Cake recipe, I didn't know what to expect from these eggs.  For the first time of my life (literally!!) when I cracked opening the first duck egg, I never knew the 'inside' of the salted egg was 'not cooked'; a still running fluid (egg white) came pouring out from the shelf. It It was slippery and uncontrollable. 
And what is Salted Duck Egg?? Please refer to below for more detailed information

Honestly, I didn't know it was like that..!!!
After the opening of the egg, try to separate the egg yolk and the egg white..if not, you have to 'pick' up the egg yolk gently with a spoon and clean through the 'small and gentle' cold running water to remove the impurity.

The cleaned egg yolks were ready to be used.

I have made three different types of Moon Cakes.  1). the round Salted duck moon cake, 2). the  round red bean paste with toasted pumpkin seed and 3). the square coffee and tiramisu paste.  Prior using the wooden mould block, you need to oil the surface of the mould, otherwise the dough will stick on the wood and its troublesome to release the dough.

You can use the electric mixer to make you moon cake sweat!!

I am using the Single Yolk and Lotus Paste Mooncakes by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover.   

325 g  Hong Kong Flour or super fine flour
225 g Golden syrup
75 g cooking oil or peanut oil
1/2 tsp alkaline water

1.  Sited  flour in a mixing bowl
2.  Mix syrup, peanut oil and alkaline water, slowly pour into flour.
3.  Use a spatula or hands to mix till form soft dough. Cover and rest it for 1 hour.
4. To weight 60 g each and shape to ball.

80 g lotus paste
9pcs salted  egg yolks (brush with rice wine, steam for 5 mins) (I did not do this)
30g melon seeds, toasted 

1.  Add melon seeds with lotus paste, combine well.
2.  Weight one salted egg yolk and louts paste to 100 g each, shape to ball

Egg wash - 1 egg yolk + 1 tsp milk (lightly whisk to combine)

To make mooncake:
1.  Flatten the pastry ball and place a  lotus paste filling in the centre, wrap and seal the dough slowly by pushing them until totally cover the whole filling, slightly shape into ball again.
2.  Lightly flour the mould, knock out excess flour.
3.  Place a mooncake ball into the mould and  flatten the base with your palm.
4.  Over turn the mould to tip the mooncake out be tapping the sides against the table lightly if needed.
5.Bake  at a pre-heated oven at 180c for 7 minutes 
6.  Remove mooncakes from the oven and set aside to cool for at least 15 mins
7.  Apply egg wash on the whole mooncake and bake at preheated oven at the 170c for 15-20 mins or until golden brown.
8.  Remove mooncake from oven, immediately transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve after 1-2 days in room temperature
as to soften the mooncake skin.

To make the red bean paste with toasted melon seeds:
100g pastry
100g red bean paste + 30 g toasted melon seeds, combine well

To make the coffee and tiramisu paste:
100g pastry
100g coffee and tiramisu paste

The processor of making assorted mooncakes is the same as above

The salted duck egg moon cake

The redbean paste with toasted melon seeds

The coffee and tiramisu mooncake

The uncut mooncake

The coffee and tiramisu mooncake

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