Thursday, November 21, 2013

United Plantations Berhad - the World's Best Plantation - Part 1

On 8 & 9 November we were invited by the Singaporean and Malaysian Scandinavian Society to participate in an educational trip to United Plantations, a Danish company that processes and cultivates oil palm in Malaysia and Indonesia. We met the group in Kuala Lumpur and then traveled by bus for approximately 2.5 hrs to the United Plantations Berhad at Jendarata Estate at Teluk Intan in the state of Perak.

Click on the map of Malaysia from to find the exact location of Teluk Intan.

For more information on United Plantation, please go to this site. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did:

    The Palm Oil Estate taken while travelling in the bus.

 Sorry you can't see the sign clearly... this is the last sign leading to the Plantation.

 Finally, arrival at the United Plantation Berhad

 The main entrance to the research centre 

We had a very warm welcome by the Executive Director Carl Bek-Nielsen and his brother Executive Director Martin Bek-Nielsen.

 Light morning tea/coffee with a range of Danish Smoerebroed with Salmon, Danish cheese, curry puffs and kransekage (marzipan) with grapes. Something for everybody!

To be continued...

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