Thursday, November 28, 2013

United Plantations Berhad - the World's Best Plantation - Part 3

A bus took is into the palm oil plantation.  Here Carl shared his expertise in oil palms, giving us an further details about the plantation. Above is a closeup of ripe (red colour) and unripe (dark colour) palm oil seeds.

It was a clean and well-maintained plantation. 

A worker using a motorized cutter to harvest the ripe palm oil, by cutting of the large groups of seeds that drop to the ground.

The seeds are then collected by workers on tractors, when the ground is hard and dry.

They also use the water buffalo to collect the harvested seeds, especially when the ground  is wet.

The end of a round of palm oil collection for one worker and his water buffalo.

A diligent and loyal water buffalo.

During collection of palm oil seeds - here the worker places the seeds on the buffalo tractor.

A railway 'container' is waiting to be filled with the palm oil crops.
  Whatever falls onto the plastic cover as the seeds are moved from the buffalo tractor to the container will be collected by workers to ensure no seeds are wasted.

A demonstration of how an individual branch of seeds was harvested by a special knife. 

A closeup of the knife.

Harvesting in action!

Back at the refinery station.

H.R.H. Pricess Benedikte of Denmark visited United Plantation in September 2006.

A 'must have' Danish Bakery found in the United Plantation. Please read this

A sample of the scrumptious Danish baked goods produced by the bakery.  

View from the bus.

Where we said "farewell og tusinde tak for denne gang"!!

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