Monday, December 30, 2013

Ang Koo Kueh - Making it from scratch

It all started when JS showed us the beautiful and some very authentic pictures of her 'black Ang Khoo' from her iPhone. She made this with special  herbs, which she said could only be obtained from a certain place.. She went on explaining how difficult it was to make the 'Ang Khoo' (although it was black"!).  
But our friend DK, who IS an expert in making all KUEHs then explained how she did it her way: she suggested herself that she didn't mind giving us an demo regarding how to make the best "Ang Koo Kueh" in town!!.. well, who wouldn't accept such an invitation??  

Before going further what is a Ang Khoo, please refer to this link:

And what is  Kueh means, please refer to this link:

DK's recipe was from Mrs Chang (as shown), but her favorite is by Amy Beh, Malaysian Chef and proudly said, that she owned her very first cookbook!  But could that be such a coincidence that there was this article regarding Amy Beh's Dumpling with Sweet Bean Filling (Angku) in the very recent newspaper article in the local newspaper The Star..

I know either you nor I are capable of reading this recipe, but I promise you, as DK convinced us that Amy Beh's recipe (please refer to the above link) is almost the same as Mrs Chang's, the method and the technique of doing this sweet dumpling, will not make any difference..except with the coloring.

The split mung fillings has been soaked and steamed in the below 

A pressure cooker,  takes only half of the time to do the job

The technique of doing the fillings

By using the old fashion "angkookueh' mould,  DK demonstrated professionally how the finished product should look..

The finished product

A close-up

On a tray, ready to be steamed

The steamer

Steamed for a few minutes according to the recipe, or through your experience..

Very pretty..Everything is so perfect with the color, texture and flavour..Well done DK!
This is the authentic Ang Koo Kueh.. Damp delicious!!!!

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