Monday, May 27, 2013

Sydney renowned Chef Christine Manfield


I was shocked and saddened when I learned from the Australian Hospitality Magazine recently, []  that Sydney renowned celebrity Chef Christine Manfield is closing down her Sydney's Universal Restaurant in the suburb of Darlinghurst.

Industry in crisis, Manfield's farewell, offal on the menu; What the weekend papers said
picture from the hospitality magazine

I came to know Christine Manfield while at a book store in Sydney some years ago.  She is a colourful, vibrant and  a brilliant Chef I have ever met known.  This big colourful and unusual hard cover caught my attention that I just needed to own this book for myself.

I would loveeeee to attend Christine Manfield cooking classes at the Sydney Fish Market and while living in the Northern Beaches, she had classes at FoodStuff Mona Vale.  I seemed to have missed her was either I was late knowing about it, the class was full or even I was on waiting list!!!
Stir - Christine Manfield's cook book is real, wholesome, explosive of Asian local spices and flavoursome; well explained and easy to follow with many of my favourite and basic Asian recipes for example making Laksa Paste, Pickle and Jams, Satay and Curry Pastes.. .
Going through her hard covered book with the most beautiful lively pictures, it was as if I  could smell and taste her food..and I was literally droolllling.. tried to swollen my saliva at the book store ..And how could I not..
Moreover, I have never in my entire life reading such an experienced, well written and so authentic Asian recipe book which is so well covered by a Caucasian Female Chef [beside Niel Perry]..She has the most incredible knowledge of Oriental herbs and spices.
However, this is so good and so easy as I have tested this recipe many times and this is one of my favourites.. Sorrry for not having the picture of the dish. The Christine Mansfield's way 
Jumbo Prawns with Green Coconut Curry 
Serve 4
250ml coconut cream
1 tablespoon Green Curry Paste
2 teaspoon fish sauce
200ml fish stock
16 raw jumbo prawns, shelled
1 cup Thai basil leaves, washed
150g small spinach leaves, washed
1.  Heat coconut cream to simmering point, stir in green curry paste and fish sauce.
2.  Cook sauce for  10 minutes, add stock and bring to boil.
3.  Simmer for 10 minutes. Taste and, if necessary, adjust seasoning. 
4.  Add prawns to sauce and simmer on low heat for 3 - 4 minute, just long enough so prawns  changed colour without overcooked and tightening.
5.  Stir in basil and spinach leaves till they are wilted, served with stem rice. If you cannot find the small spinach leaves, try shreded iceberg salad..uhmmm.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

To Wash or Not To Wash??

This is indeed a very common sight in the South East Asian countries where eggs are being found and displayed in shops, especially in the 'wet markets'.   For example,  you can find these pictures below, anybody can sell an employee or an entrepreneur..and you do not need rocket science to do so..
The fresh chicken eggs stall's picture was from the Imbi Market, Kuala Lumpur and the picture is from
Another fresh egg stall picture from
picture from
 As it was so convenient, as it shown above, I have bought a tray of eggs from the local sundry shop near Seremban 2 where I live.. A tray of A grade eggs consist of 30, cost me 11MYR.., the shop  owner would automatically take another egg tray and cover the top of the eggs,  
like this, and within seconds, he used 2 rubber band for each corner of the tray to 'tie and secure' the egg tray.. This is to assure the eggs were properly / supposingly 'protected' under transportation. He then slide the tray into the big plastic bag.. tie the knot and there you go..

Upon returning home, quickly I removed the top egg tray and discovered there were some signs of uncleanliness on some of the eggs.. That was not the first time.. I mean, these are highly hazardous to health if you do not handle them properly..
Having stayed in Denmark for nearly three decades, we were constantly reminded by the Danish Health Authority regarding its high risk of the Salmonella bacteria from the chicken.. Not only that, the eggs are on the table, on the open air in the shops with  high temperature around 36- 38C..Should they not be refrigerated in such hot tropical climate ??  And buying eggs from the supermarkets in Denmark and Sydney Australia, these eggs were in all in the fridges..
And the result is [almost] the same??
Now the question is :  To wash or not to wash..??
I have never thought of washing any eggs before and naturally never crossed my mind that eggs need to be washed before refrigerating.. But, with such a scenario, how could I not...!!
Immediately, I unloaded all  the eggs onto a sieve plastic bowl, where underneath was a bowl.
Turn on the running water and let it run for a few second, turning the bowl around..

Pour in some detergent, let the running water run into it.. form some bubbles, shake them around and let it sit for about l0 minutes.  Pour the soapy water away and gently wash them for a couple of time.  Be careful, they crack easily..

After a few round of washing, I drained it and let dry by itself.. 


Finally they were [almost] cleaned and dried. I have packed them in the plastic egg containers and put them in the fridge for use.  Make sure the eggs are not cracked when washing, otherwise they need to be used for either cooked, fried or poached. These washed eggs can be kept for about 2 weeks in the fridge.  All the doings took about an hour.  After all, it is already another routine task..

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Malaysian Hospitality - Malaysia Boleh!!

It was just barely 4 days  after  our arrival in Malaysia.  We were so lucky to be invited to a neighbourhood party by the named of MT..Without hesitation, we accepted it, that was a very friendly gesture; but with a bit of apprehension..I surely want to meet these lovely people, the new friends, living in the same area.. But so soon, already.. I didn't know what to expect..

Just a walking distance, we arrived at the house where it was already packed with their friends, relatives and families. I remembered so very vividly, everybody was so welcoming and still do..

I went totally berserk when I saw these..Could you imagine my reaction...?????? These were not the frequent sight during my residentship in two other continents where I have lived. Thank you MT and family for the welcoming and delicious evening..

soo much food..there were in big containers!!!

the green and white vibrant colour of the most delicious Nyonya Kueh> Kueh Sri Muka, Ang Koo Kueh (this one is green) and the Kueh Talam..Notice that they were all in the almost same degree of green and white colour.. how professional..I couldn't.!

 Cucumber pieces for the Satay, Coleslaw Salad and Curry Puffs

Ketupat/Pressed Rice Pieces to be served with Satay, Steamed Crabs and pieces of fresh Pineapple

my plate of food...filled with the goodness of Satay, fried Mee was adequate for that moment..but never enough..

my second or third didn't were right, I was simply so greedy..

look at clear, neat and vibrant.  This is Malaysian/Asian Jelly made from different colours and of coconut milk.  Served cold/chilled. Delicious and refreshing..I have not have this for a long time..Actually, I have not even tried to make it before.. but certainly I will do it in the future..

just beautiful

some of the Asian you want me to skip these..??

and this, the Chinese Sweet Dessert..made from yellow bean called Tau Suan..Simply delicious!!

Home Baked Pizza - An Easier Way

Making a pizza dough from scratch could be a daunting affair if you have no baking experiences.  It can be messy and time consuming, everybody agrees to that; especially if you WANT a home baked.  But, there are so many ways of making pizza and this is a dead easy way of making 'home baked' pizzas..which to make life easier, is to purchase the ready made pizza dough from the local supermarkets. Although I have seen them around but have never tried them. 

While living in Sydney, I have found these home baked Lebanese bread very handy. They are thin, quite chewing, tasty and affordable .  You see, one winter evening, I have invited some friends over for dinner. Well, this dinner has to be simple and delicious..not so much cooking and tidy up..and have decided pizzas and we should have..

The simple dinner that supposed not to involve with a lot of cutting, cooking and tidy up, turned out to be intensified..You see, the Lebanese bread and the chicken meat were in the freezer needed to be thawed, then the tomatoes, capsicums, pumpkin, squash needed to be cleaned, cut and chopped.  There, I have made four plates of pizzas, two vegetarian and two with chicken vegetables.  Not only that, I was afraid that it wasn't adequate, I have added a roasted chicken..

Indeed the pictures speak for itself   And going though the pictures, I hadn't realized that the pizzas had no tomato paste for their toppings..has anybody noticed that..?? It tasted all very good, full of flavours and texture.. By using the Lebanese bread, it was convenient and cooked these in 170 Celsius, for about 15 that the thick pile of toppings will be gently cooked and as it will not burned its thin bottom dough.

the basic

this is a plate of precooked sweet potatoes, pumpkin and chicken pieces where they have been marinated with the tandoori paste bought from the supermarket.  The root vegetables and the chicken pieces take a longer time to cook as others. This was to avoid long cooking time as toppings.  It doesn't matter what topping you use..there is no fixed rues!! 


I know the vege looked big and everything was so luscious.  Baked these @ 180 Celsius for about 20 - 30 minutes; slow because the crust is thin.

ready to be served..anyone??
an extra chicken dish with potatoes, tomatoes, onions and carrots with mixed herbs, wanted to be sure it was adequate to feed an army of more than 8 adults..!! [ know the picture is blurred!]