Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Malaysian Hospitality - Malaysia Boleh!!

It was just barely 4 days  after  our arrival in Malaysia.  We were so lucky to be invited to a neighbourhood party by the named of MT..Without hesitation, we accepted it, that was a very friendly gesture; but with a bit of apprehension..I surely want to meet these lovely people, the new friends, living in the same area.. But so soon, already.. I didn't know what to expect..

Just a walking distance, we arrived at the house where it was already packed with their friends, relatives and families. I remembered so very vividly, everybody was so welcoming and still do..

I went totally berserk when I saw these..Could you imagine my reaction...?????? These were not the frequent sight during my residentship in two other continents where I have lived. Thank you MT and family for the welcoming and delicious evening..

soo much food..there were in big containers!!!

the green and white vibrant colour of the most delicious Nyonya Kueh> Kueh Sri Muka, Ang Koo Kueh (this one is green) and the Kueh Talam..Notice that they were all in the almost same degree of green and white colour.. how professional..I couldn't.!

 Cucumber pieces for the Satay, Coleslaw Salad and Curry Puffs

Ketupat/Pressed Rice Pieces to be served with Satay, Steamed Crabs and pieces of fresh Pineapple

my plate of food...filled with the goodness of Satay, fried Mee was adequate for that moment..but never enough..

my second or third didn't were right, I was simply so greedy..

look at clear, neat and vibrant.  This is Malaysian/Asian Jelly made from different colours and of coconut milk.  Served cold/chilled. Delicious and refreshing..I have not have this for a long time..Actually, I have not even tried to make it before.. but certainly I will do it in the future..

just beautiful

some of the Asian you want me to skip these..??

and this, the Chinese Sweet Dessert..made from yellow bean called Tau Suan..Simply delicious!!

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