Thursday, May 2, 2013

Home Baked Pizza - An Easier Way

Making a pizza dough from scratch could be a daunting affair if you have no baking experiences.  It can be messy and time consuming, everybody agrees to that; especially if you WANT a home baked.  But, there are so many ways of making pizza and this is a dead easy way of making 'home baked' pizzas..which to make life easier, is to purchase the ready made pizza dough from the local supermarkets. Although I have seen them around but have never tried them. 

While living in Sydney, I have found these home baked Lebanese bread very handy. They are thin, quite chewing, tasty and affordable .  You see, one winter evening, I have invited some friends over for dinner. Well, this dinner has to be simple and delicious..not so much cooking and tidy up..and have decided pizzas and we should have..

The simple dinner that supposed not to involve with a lot of cutting, cooking and tidy up, turned out to be intensified..You see, the Lebanese bread and the chicken meat were in the freezer needed to be thawed, then the tomatoes, capsicums, pumpkin, squash needed to be cleaned, cut and chopped.  There, I have made four plates of pizzas, two vegetarian and two with chicken vegetables.  Not only that, I was afraid that it wasn't adequate, I have added a roasted chicken..

Indeed the pictures speak for itself   And going though the pictures, I hadn't realized that the pizzas had no tomato paste for their toppings..has anybody noticed that..?? It tasted all very good, full of flavours and texture.. By using the Lebanese bread, it was convenient and cooked these in 170 Celsius, for about 15 that the thick pile of toppings will be gently cooked and as it will not burned its thin bottom dough.

the basic

this is a plate of precooked sweet potatoes, pumpkin and chicken pieces where they have been marinated with the tandoori paste bought from the supermarket.  The root vegetables and the chicken pieces take a longer time to cook as others. This was to avoid long cooking time as toppings.  It doesn't matter what topping you use..there is no fixed rues!! 


I know the vege looked big and everything was so luscious.  Baked these @ 180 Celsius for about 20 - 30 minutes; slow because the crust is thin.

ready to be served..anyone??
an extra chicken dish with potatoes, tomatoes, onions and carrots with mixed herbs, wanted to be sure it was adequate to feed an army of more than 8 adults..!! [ know the picture is blurred!]


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