Saturday, June 15, 2013

Phuket Island [3]

There is a night market at a walking distant from our hotel..We took about a good twenty minutes to walk.  It was hot, sweaty and dusty. The atmosphere was noisy and festive, quite clean and neat to my surprise; and yet colourful. 
Fancy any Thai Spicy Food?? There were so much to choose from...
Ready To Go

Some deep fried Thai food

Thai Mushrooms

Thai Grill

Thai Sandwich
The Evening's Highlight : Deep fried Insects
The crunchy deep fried insects, anyone??
The colourful home baked cupcakes. They certainly look better than mine
I know they are seafood, on the left is a crab and the right..anyone??
A huge promotion of Thai Boxing
A hotel called Tiger Hotel
Below, we stayed on the fifth floor, and were told that the tsunami came without warning and swept everything away; to above the height of the fifth floor..

I have taken this picture, within the distance you can see the sea.

I couldn't imagine it and do not wish to..

On the right hand, tip of the white square corner building is the ocean..

After nine years, I think the Thai government has done a pretty good job!

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